var messages = { WELCOME_SECTION: "Welcome Section", WELCOME_SECTION_CONTENT: "Welcome Section Content", WELCOME_MESSAGE: "Welcome to ", WELCOME_IBM_OPEN_SOURCE: "An IBM Open Source Project", WELCOME_LIGHTWEIGHT: "A lightweight open framework for building and running fast, efficient cloud-native Java microservices.", UFO: "UFO and beam", CLOUDS: "Clouds", LOGOS_SECTION: "Logos Section", COMPATIBLE: "Open Liberty is a compatible implementation of:", MICROPROFILE: "MicroProfile Logo", JAKARTA_EE: "Jakarta EE logo", RESOURCES_SECTION: "Resources section", RESOURCES: "Resources and Help", GITHUB: "GitHub logo", TWITTER: "Twitter logo", GITTER: "Gitter logo", STACK_OVERFLOW: "Stack Overflow logo", GROUPS_IO: " logo", OL_SUPPORT: "Open Liberty logo", DOCS: "Docs", // Translate 'Documentation' COPYRIGHT: "Copyright", OPEN_LIBERTY_FOOTER: "Liberty footer Logo", COPYRIGHT_OPEN_LIBERTY: "Licensed Materials — Property of the Open Liberty project, Copyright IBM Corp and others 1997, 2019. Project is distributed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.", // COPYRIGHT_URL UPDATE_BANNER_SECTION: "Update Banner Section", UPDATE_BANNER_SECTION_CONTENT: "Update Banner Section Content", HEADER_UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "Update Available: ", HEADER_DOWNLOAD_LINK: "Click to download {0}", // Product name HEADER_UPDATE_AVAILABLE_DOWNLOAD_LINK: "Update Available. Click to download {0}", // Product name UPDATE_BANNER_CLOSE_BUTTON: "Close Update Banner", CONTEXT_ROOT_NOT_FOUND: "Context Root Not Found" };